Winners are not made, they are born. As for entrepreneurs, they attend the Entrepreneurship Programme by The Centre For Entrepreneurship Development.
The one month course is conducted once every quarter in the year and includes seminars on a wide variety of topics that entrepreneurs need a substantial understanding of. The main topics in the current program are
Entrepreneurship and the qualities required for it
Opportunities available in different sectors
Marketing and market surveys
Preparation of a project report
Government initiatives and schemes
Supplementary courses such as communication skills, small business management.
This workshop also provides the opportunity to meet successful entrepreneurs and discuss their experiences with them.
The enrollment fee is Rs. 2000 per head. Consultants from various industries and academia have gathered at the CED to guide the aspirants and help them plan their paths. Dr. Darshan of IIFT, Shankar of Badruka College, and speakers from The District Industry Center, KVIC, APSFC and SISS, ensure a mix of guides who can instruct and even help the students in the course to move ahead with their ideas.
For further details, please contact 2315-1344/2389-2304.