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Personality Development Course At Ramakrishna Math

Personality Development Course At Ramakrishna Math is an event that took place between 08-Jun-2008 and 13-Jul-2008 in Hyderabad.
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The Vivekananda Institute Of Human Excellence is conducting a Personality Development Course from 8th June to 13th July, at the Ramakrishna Math.

Personality is not just physical appearance, but an allround development of a human being, in all aspects of life. Total personality includes the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of an individual. This course is basically aimed at the youth and the general public, and comprises of yoga asanas, meditation and inspiring talks on relevant subjects.

The Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence was established in the Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad, on 10 September 2000. The chief aim of the institute is to help people develop faith in themselves, to impart nobler values of life and life-giving strength, and to help individuals rise to higher levels of strength and felicity, with spiritual, moral, ethical and eternal values of personality development and human excellence. Since the inception of the institute, more than 2,00,000 candidates have been trained in different courses.

This course will be conducted only on Sundays. There will be 6 classes, and participants have to be over 15. The fee for the camp is Rs. 200, and the timings are 5:30pm to 7:30pm.

Please contact the Vivekananda Institute Of Human Excellence on 2762-7961 for further details.
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