A mindfulness workshop that looks at mothers at any stage of motherhood who feel a need to parent mindfully, this workshop helps mothers look at how motherhood can be a path to living wholly, mindfully and with joy not only (but especially) with their children but also with themselves.
Mindfulness is a life-long practice of learning to live in the present, with intention and utmost love. And this workshop will help mama?s look at how, no matter how their path into motherhood has been, they can embrace a life of much vibrancy and presence, inspite of the pressures and stress of everyday life.
The workshop will also look at some of the core concepts of parenting and how as mothers we can parent more mindfully.
Goals for the workshop:
1. Understand the concept of mindful motherhood
2. Uncover how mindfulness is present within the path of motherhood and within oneself
3. Learn exercise and practices that will help you on the path of mindful motherhood
4. Learn about different parenting skills and techniques you can employ as a parent
Who can attend?
Mothers of children who feel a deep yearning to stay present with their children and allow their children (and themselves) the freedom and security needed for them to become fiercely able individuals.
About the Facilitator:
Aarathi Selven, EdM, NCC (USA), MPhil (Clinical Psych.), is a licensed psychotherapist, mindfulness guide and contemplative artist. With over 7 years of experience in the field of psychology, she works with women, families and children to enhance their lives and enable mindful living. Trained in the US and India, Aarathi has a wide array of experience in working with a diverse population. She runs online courses and live workshops on mindful motherhood besides seeing clients in her private practice.