The Alliance Francaise of Hyderabad, in association with the Hyderabad Film Club and the French Embassy in India, is screening a French film, Juliette Binoche Dans Les Yeux (Juliette Binoche: Sketches For A Portrait), on 10th March, at the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU). The film is directed by Philippe Faucan and the cast includes Sabrina Ben Abdallah, Ariane Jacquot, Zohra Mouffok and Hocine Nini.
Esther is an elderly Jewish woman who requires constant nursing, but her sturdy ill-temper shoos away all nurses. Yvette, her most recent victim, has just handed her notice in, joining a long line of predecessors.
Elie, Esther's son, does not know what to do. Taking pity on him, Selima, the day nurse, suggests hiring her mother, Halima, who is a Muslim. Against all odds, the two women build a strong and intimate friendship. Halima is a sensible woman and her good humor and energy give Esther a new lease of life.
Entry is free. Please contact the Alliance Francaise at 2770-0734/2770-0736 or Bh S S Prakash Reddy of the Hyderabad Film Club at 2373-0841/93910-20243 for further details.