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Hyderabad Brevets: 400K Ride By Hyderabad Cycling Club

Hyderabad Brevets: 400K Ride By Hyderabad Cycling Club is an event that took place between 21-Jan-2012 and 22-Jan-2012 in Hyderabad.
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The Hyderabad Cycling Club is organizing a 400-kilometer brevet, a long-distance bicycle ride, which begins on the 21st and ends on the 22nd of January, 2012. This is the 3rd brevet being organized by the HCC.

The bike route is 416 kilometres long. The rides starts at the SAAP Stadium, Gachibowli, and ends there as well, passing through the Kurnool highway.

The Brevet starts at 4pm on 21 January, and ends at 7pm on 22 January. For details of the bike route, please visit http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=4657502.

The biker is responsble for provisions such as food and water. However, there will be control points along the route at the following spots:

Control Point 1: Gachibowli Stadium (0 km)
Start Time: 1600, Close Time: 1700 (Saturday)

Control Point 2: Shadnagar (52.6 km)
Start Time: 1733, Close Time: 1938 (Sat/Sun)

CP3: Last Toll Booth on Kurnool Highway (208 km)
Start Time: 2208, Close Time: 0552 (Sunday)

CP4: Shadnagar (363.4 km)
Start Time: 0259, Close Time: 1614 (Sunday)

CP5: Gachibowli Stadium (416.4 km)
Start Time: 0408, Close Time: 1900 (Sunday)

A brevet is an organised long-distance bicycle ride, that is not a race, but is a timed biking event. Brevets are often colloquially called randon?es or audax rides.

If the biker finishes the route by the end time, he/she receives a medallion and a certificate of participation in affiliation with the Audax Club Parisien, Paris, France (a cycling club founded in Paris in 1904).

To participate, you can visit the site (http://hyderabadcyclingclub.in/brevets) to register. The participation fee is Rs. 350, and an optional fee for the medallion stands at Rs. 350.

Please visit http://hyderabadcyclingclub.in/brevets for further details.
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