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Exhibition Cum Sale Of Imported Crockery

Exhibition Cum Sale Of Imported Crockery is an event that took place between 06-Oct-2005 and 01-Nov-2005 in Hyderabad.
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Silverware, Cutlery and Crockery are as much a part of a romantic fantasy as candle-light, Dutch Roses and Champagne. The romantic in you is bound to be thrilled to see the melange of beautiful imported Crockery on display at this exhibition by Crystal Trading Company.

The assorted pieces come from Korea. China, Japan, Vietnam, France, Thailand and Germany and are available in convenient sized collections. The dinner sets for example, in Melamine, Glassware, Opalware etc. come in 24, 32, 34, 36, 54 piece sets. Prices can range from Rs. 275 to Rs. 5,000.

Then there are tableware, showpieces and decorations in polycarbonate and porcelain. And for those nights when you wish to feel really haute monde, there is metalware with 24 karat gold plating.

Hang in there, that's still not all there is to the collection: Floating flowers, Chinese vases, black marble stones, flower sticks, stone and wooden photo frames etc. will make sure you needn't visit anyplace else for your home decoration requirements. And they are all top quality, exclusive pieces. The Lumine range of Kitchenware from France for example, is on display for the first time in India, at this exhibition.

And the discounts are upto 50%. So pack your wallet and shop your heart out before this exhibition leaves town. Having toured the rest of India, it is now parked in Hyderabad all the way till Diwali.

For more details, please call 5548-5079.
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