The Osmania University College of Technology is organising its annual techno-cultural festival Catalysis 2011 from 24th to 26th March at the college campus of OU. This year, it features a number of new events such as Industry Defined Problem, Best From Waste, mathematical modeling, mobile recharge, short movie-making, photography, LAN gaming and lots more, as details below:
Technical Events
Talapatra - It is a paper presentation event, and the topics are:
Transport Phenomena
Reaction Engineering
Process Modeling and Simulation
Process Optimization and Control
Novel Seperation Techniques
Petroleum Refining & Petrochemical
Environmental Engineering
Energy Engineering
Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering
Pharmaceutical Applications
Modeling Optimization & Simulation of a Chemical Process, or
any topic related to Chemical Engineering
Xpressopapyrus - It is a competition of poster presentation and the topics are the same as paper presentation.
Industry Defined Problem - It is about providing the best possible solutions to real time problems. This can be done through a ppt presentation.
Mathematical Modelling - This is an event that tests logical skills and core engineering concepts.
Conquizta - This is a potpourri of technical, general and biz quiz.
The Waste Is The Best - Various waste and scrap material will be provided on the spot. Participants will have to create a creative model out of it.
Cultural Events
Artzooka - A painting competition.
Topup - It is about decoding the clues provided.
Smiles - A photography contest on the topic of happiness.
Director's Cut - A short film-makling contest.
Puzzles - It involves solving puzzles.
LAN Party - A gaming contest.
Explorin' - A treasure hunt event.
Please contact A Abhilash, student coordinator, at 94901-39751 for further details.