14032 Bharathiyum Parasakthiyum - A Tamil Literary And Musical Discourses By Dr Thirumathi Sarada Nambi Ar: Events in Hyderabad - fullhyd.com
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Bharathiyum Parasakthiyum - A Tamil Literary And Musical Discourses By Dr Thirumathi Sarada Nambi Ar

Bharathiyum Parasakthiyum - A Tamil Literary And Musical Discourses By Dr Thirumathi Sarada Nambi Ar is an event that took place on 05-Apr-2006 in Hyderabad.
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  • Venue
    Keyes Girls High School (6.2 km)
    Opposite Mother Theresa Statue, Near Blue Sea Cafe, Regimental Bazaar, St John's Road, Secunderabad • Telephone: 040-2770-3219
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Sarada Nambi Arooran is quite a talker. And she has devoted listeners who can swear by her skills of evocative recounting and depiction of mythological and historical legends. If a lady can be felicitated with multiple awards of the class of Thirumurai Selvi, Muththamizh Viththagi, Tamil Semmal and Kalaimamani, just for her felicity with words, she must be pretty darn good. Sad, you have to be Tamil to really find out.

Sarada Nambi Arooran has dedicated 35 years to the cause of Tamil religious and musical discourses. Speaking over TV, radio, and thousands of platforms in India and abroad, Smt. Sarada has done yeoman service in the spread of religion and Bhakthi. Her stint with the BBC made her a recognised voice across the Oxford and Cambridge campuses, as well as the Paris Tamil Sangam.

She has systematically learned the Thirumurai like Devaram and Thiruvasagam. Her formal training in music has helped her with her discourses by making them more aurally appealing and impressive.

On the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th of April, Sarada Nambi Arooran will be speaking on Sotramizh Paaduga, Kuzhaviyum Kizhaviyum, Bharatiyum Parasakthiyum and Nadayil Nindruyar Nayagan respectively. The programs start from 1830 hrs at Keyes High School on each day.

Please contact 93913-68559, 98496-23691, 98499-38083 for further details.
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