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Annamayya - A One Act Play By R A Naidu

Annamayya - A One Act Play By R A Naidu is an event that took place on 15-Dec-2005 in Hyderabad.
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Enjoy a glimpse of the time when God believed in doing miracles.

The Dept. of Culture, in association with Sampradaya Kala Vybhavan Telugu Nataka Sorabham, is presenting a festival of stage-plays, Eka Patra Abhinayam. Annamayya, is a mono-act, to be staged on the 15th of this month, along with 2 other single-character plays, Bakta Ramadasu and Srikrishanudu.

Annamayya is being enacted by R A Naidu, a noted stage-actor from Gudivada. It is a 20-minute play, and tells the story of the renowned Vaggeyakara, Annamacharya of the 15th century.

Annamacharya gets a position of honor in the court of King Saluvanarasingaraya, but gets imprisoned when he refuses to compose songs praising the king. He is however released with Lord Venkateshwara's blessings, and the king is forced to ask for the guru's forgiveness.

Please log on to www.annamayya.org for info on the poet, or contact the Dept. of Culture at 2324-2482 for further details.
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