Celebrate the 91st birthday of Mikkilineni Radhakrishna Murthy, with a Bharatnatyam dance and a book release amidst veteran stars. Rasamayi group welcomes Dr Mikkilineni Radhakrishna Murthy into his 91st year with a grand celebration. The cultural event for the evening will be a Bharatanatyam performance by National Balasri awardee Santosh G Nayar, disciple of both V S Ramamurthy and Manjularamaswamy.
The chief guest for the evening will be M Satyanarayana Rao (minister for sports, cultural and cinematography) and C Narayana Reddy. The event will be inaugurated by M S Reddy (Film producer).
On this same occasion, there is also going to be the release of Radhakrishna's book by veteran actor Dr Akkineni Nageswara Rao. These books will be presented and dedicated to Dr Gummadi Venkateshwara Rao, Saaripalli Kondal Rao, Arja Srikanth and Kavuri Kutumba Rao.
Other esteemed guests of the evening are Nerella Venu Madhav, Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao and Uppaluri Makkilarjuna Sarma. This show is brought to you by M K Ramu, founder and head of Rasamayi.
Please contact Dr M K Ramu of Rasamayee at 98480-14793 for further details.