Yashoda International Cancer Conference (YICC) aims to bring together leaders in the field of Oncology not only from India but also from some of the best cancer centers in the world to explore, share, learn and discuss the management of cancer. This innovative educational forum will enable to learn unique approaches to best care practice including Surgical Oncology and Medical Oncology workshops and connect with National and International experts in the field. The event encourages timely debate on emerging paradigms in the field of Oncology by providing a collaborative global forum.
YICC programme is an initiative of Yashoda Cancer Institute, known as one of the leaders in cancer care, to ignite and inspire not just oncologists but all medical specialists.
Yashoda Cancer Institute has been transforming cancer treatment by its focus on ways to provide quality care and improve outcomes in a timely and cost effective manner.
YICC is designed to be an academic feast, with a structured programme in a manner where participants will have ample time to interact after the sessions, which will be enriched by distinguished International and National Faculty.
Key objectives of the YICC include:
1. Working towards a common goal ? improved patient outcomes.
2. Identifying best practices in the Oncology which include Medical, Surgical and Radiation Oncology.
3. Providing a forum to exchange information and ideas on innovative programs and service delivery models
4. Present and critically assess recent advances and key topics, challenges & issues
5. Identify emerging technologies relevant to recent advances in treatment for cancer.