What Is Womanathon?
Womanathon is an initiative to get the Men to celebrate the Women of their lives.
Your mother, sister, friend, wife, daughter. It could be any relationship. But its the woman that completes you. RUN with your woman. Show her you love her. If she is unable to run with you. RUN for her. Dedicate your effort to saluting her presence in your life. With celebration, pledge to RESPECT Woman. TODAY. The people who can do most to improve the situation of so many women and girls are in fact MEN. It is in their hands to STOP violence towards Women. RUN cause you RESPECT. Womanathon is contributing to treat diseases in women & girls.
About Neville Endeavours:
Neville J. Bilimoria is a rower, runner and cyclist who has been using these sporting activities to raise funds and to spread awareness about deserving communities. Through ?Neville Endeavours? he provides a platform to support and guide initiatives such as ?Womanathon 2015? Marathon in three cities and also inspire thousands of veteran and first-time runners to run for a cause.