We share everything on Social networking platforms. After feeling great talking to a person live rather than online, we have decided to make fun of all the social networking sites which infact are making a mockery of our lives. So, we bring to you a theme based comedy show.
"Whats up..!!" We have 5 comedians ready to rock you with their experiences on various Social Networking Platforms: Rajasekhar Mamidanna: A ex-Orkuter now active on FB and 'Likes' and 'comments' pretty much everything. He had secured 84 percent in Engineering(Rumour) and if Social networking would have been there those days he would have secured 48 percent. Rohit Swain: Who is last seen at 1:48 last night on whatsapp, loves playing with his dog. More than him his dog is socially active. He is available on whatapp 24 hours and at work on the salary day. Umesh Somani: Recently married. He and his wife met on Orkut, exchanged photos on Instagram, became friends on FB and got married finally in real life. His activities on various social sites is at all time high as that is the only place where he can express his feelings now Sai Kiran: He is the only odd man out. He was very active once on Orkut. After everyone migrated to FB, he was depressed and he still hangs around in Orkut for someone to send him a scrap.