This week the Hyderabad Film Club brings to you, not a director and his movies, but an institution. A name that is used as an adjective to describe the genre he spawned. A movie-maker who was hated, overloved, oversimplified and overanalyzed, but the fact remains that he left you jumping at shadows.
On the 19th of January, HFC will be screening Vertigo, a 120 minute film starring James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Geddes and Henry Jones, and directed ofcourse, by Alfred Hitchcock.
This one involves everything from possessions by spirits, to snarled and murderous plots. Vertigo, the name, because the lead, a San Francisco cop Scottie Fergusson develops a fear of heights following the death of a colleague from falling. Look out for the prototypal horror stimuli and take a peek into the mind of the man who was so passionate about scaring the bejeezus out of you.To watch this screening at Sarathi Studios, you need to be a member of the HFC.
For further details, please contact Prakash Reddy at 2373-0841, 93910-20243.