Uttaraa Centre for Performing Arts is presenting the Venugana (flute) Rangapravesham of Master Akhilesh Devarakonda, on 31st July, at Sri Thyagaraya Gana Sabha. The recital will be supported by B Pavan Singh on the violin, K Rajagopalacharya on the mridangam and R Srikanth on the kanjira.
Akhilesh is the son of Sai Krishna and Lakshmi, and started learning the Carnatic flute from a very young age, under the aegis of Guru Jayaprada Ramamurthy, since the year 2003. He is the recipient of the prestigious CCRT Government scholarship under the flute category. He has participated in several group concerts of his institute.
He has successfully completed the Prarambik and Praveshika I exams conducted by the Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya, Mumbai. Akhilesh won the first prize in the flute competitions conducted by Kalasagaram, Hyderabad. He is a Class X student of CAL Public School.
Guru Jayaprada Ramamurthy is the co-founder and director of Uttaraa Centre For Performing Arts. She is the daughter of the well-known guru, Prema Ramamurthy. She has received guidance from N S Srinivasan and from Dr. N Ramani. She was the first female flautist to play the 'Base Flute' (Long Flute) and the 'Western Key Flute' using shifts in octaves.
She has toured the world over, performed in front of many dignitaries, including the President of india. Among her awards are Best Performer at the Spirit Of Youth festival, Chennai; the T R Mahalingam Flute Endowment Award, Chennai; and the Best Girl Flautist award in Hyderabad.
Please contact Sai Krishna at 98660-04597 for further details.