Playboy Club Hyderabad brings you the experience of the biggest global club in the word. Amnesia, Ibiza! :)
Featuring Amnesia resident DJ Oliver Schmitz : Oliver Schmitz is a half german, half spanish dj and producer from Barcelona, Spain.
Since 1999 he has been producing tracks for some of the most influential house and tech house labels.
He has charted in various occasions on the top list of important charts such as Beatport, iTunes or the USA Billboard with several different projects.
Thanks to his productions and his infamous dj sets he was approached in 2008 by the AMNESIA club in Ibiza, to be part of the official dj team together with his brother Les Schmitz, Mar-T and Caal Smile.
Today Oliver Schmitz has released more than a 100 tracks and plays constantly all over the globe representing the Amnesia Ibiza brand with its People from Ibiza Tour.
Universal Robot, Luis Diablo and Christine de Usebio.