The language of Dance is a unique workshop which enumerates upon the different aspects of communication through language, and how Indian dance is a highly evolved and expressive language in its own right. This workshop will give an orientation about the different dance traditions of India using visual aids. How the four Abhinayas, namely, Angika-bodily gesture, Vachika- expression through speech, Aharya- delienation through costume make up and stage craft, Sattvika- pure emotion which arises from the heart,manifest in dance. The workshop will offer interactive sessions, small scene enactment using speech and gesticulation, how to explore ideas, images and motifs in dance. During the course of the workshop, short dance pieces, either Nrtta (pure dance),or Nritya (expressional dance) will be taught and discussed. This workshop offers something interesting for not only dancers and students of dance, but dance lovers and art enthusiasts as well. The workshop is open to all age groups.