Most puppet shows in the world today involve adults, and especially the Congress leadership. Here's Saptaparini and Nori bringing them to the ones they were originally meant for.
Samskruthi, a cultural forum for children at Saptaparni, is staging The Giving Tree, a puppet show by Ratnamala Nori of Nori Art & Puppetry Centre, Hyderabad, this Sunday at 6:00pm. Ratnamala is a renowned Hyderabad-based puppet maker, who established Nori Art & Puppetry Centre at DD Colony, Nallakunta.
Ratnamala Nori, an artist from the M S University of Baroda, learnt the art of puppetry during the '80s quite by chance. Her interest gradually converted into a passion, which marked the revival of puppetry. It was indeed her artistic temperament that instilled a new life in puppetry. Through puppetry, Nori tries to convey messages to children and illiterate adults.
Samskruthi is the cultural wing of Saptaparini, and is involved in the promotion of cultural values among children. It conducts monthly programs for children, and most of times involves children in them too.
The show is free for all, including parents. For further details, please contact 6666-7707/6682-1789.