Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad and IGNA are please to announce a talk on "Light and Life: Real Life Applications of Photochemistry" by Prof. V. Ramamurthy, Department of Chemistry, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA.
About IGNA:
The Indo-German Nachkontakt Association (IGNA) was founded in May 1985 under the umbrella of the then Max Mueller Bhavan, Hyderabad. The objectives of IGNA are to provide a forum and an opportunity to maintain Nachkontakt between returnees who visited Germany under different exchange programs. One of the important activities of IGNA is to organize annual 2-day seminars , which are of great relevance to industrial development and social and cultural needs of India.
About the speaker:
V. Ramamurthy finished his early education in India (B. Sc and M. Sc degrees) and moved to USA for graduate and postdoctoral education. Following training in the laboratories of Professors R. S. H. Liu (University of Hawaii; Ph. D. degree), P. de Mayo (Uni. Western Ontario; postdoctoral studies) and N. J. Turro (Columbia University; postdoctoral studies), Murthy returned to India to take up an Assistant Professor position at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore where he remained till 1987 (1978-87). At the Indian Institute of Science, he initiated a thriving research program in organic photochemistry and for the first time he initiated studies on supra-molecular photochemistry in India. He continued to research on this topic at the DuPont Company (1987-94), Tulane University (1994-2004) and University of Miami (2005-). He edited a highly popular monograph