The Friends of Snakes is a voluntary organization engaged in the rescue and rehabilitation of snakes and in spreading awareness amongst the public about snakes.
Most people shudder at the mere mention of the word "snake". Little do we know that the majority of snakes are harmless. Only a very small percentage are venomous. Snakes are timid creatures, given a choice they would rather avoid, than confront the human species. Dispelling many of the false beliefs and myths associated with snakes and snake bites, The Friends of the Snakes enable us to see snakes as the creatures they really are - co-inhabitants on this planet or ours.
They are not menacing creatures, with dark powers, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting victim. The Friends of the Snakes brought with them beautiful specimens of Grey Sandbox, Red Sandboa, Russell's Viper, Cobra, Water Snakes, Grass Snakes, Rat Snakes and many others.
Audience are given the chance to observe the non venomous snakes at close quarters. Venomous snakes were also exhibited and their habits explained. To see so many different snakes was fascinating. Even more fascinating was their history, narrated by the volunteers.