Frugal Innovation', is the process of reducing the complexity and cost of a good and its production. Usually this refers to removing nonessential features from a durable good, such as a car or phone, in order to sell it in developing countries. Designing products for such countries may also call for an increase in durability and, when selling the products, reliance on unconventional distribution channels.
CII Yi is partnering with Hachette Publishers to organize a session on 'Frugal Innovation' followed by a panel discussion, by two of the world's distinguished and renowned experts in this field: Navi Radjou and Jaideep Prabhu, They are the authors of a book titled: 'Frugal Innovation - How to do Better with Less', which you can see in the book shelves of all leading stores. Their earlier work: 'Jugaad Innovation' has been a best seller.