Celebrate Makara Sankranti and Pongal at Isha Life with a series of enriching events, including the Pancha Bhuta Kriya, a yogic process to purify the five elements of the human body. Sacred offerings like Dhanya Samarpane, Sapta Pushpanjali and Thuppadha Deepa Arpane are made, creating a spiritually enriching atmosphere. The festivities also feature a vibrant Jaatre, a village fair that celebrates cultural traditions, along with Dhanya Samarpane at the consecrated spaces of Sadhguru Sannidhi in Bengaluru. The event culminates in a feast of tradition and harvest, offering authentic South Indian lunch and dinner, immersing guests in the true flavours of the region. Please contact 91212-30392 for further details. Note: The above text has been sourced from the event's organisers.