6 runners run across what is amongst the most unforgiving places on earth. Watch the very essence of human spirit filmed across countries that have to scrimp and struggle for water.
La Makaan is screening a documentary, "Running The Sahara", on 17th September. The screening starts at 7pm, and is of a 105-minute duration.
Producers Marc Joubert, Keith Quinn, Larry Tanz and director James Moll filmed Running The Sahara on location in Africa across 6 countries - Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, Egypt. Prepare2go.com supported the film crew with the logistics throughout.
In 2006, an international expedition team of 3 men - Charlie Engle (USA), Ray Zahab (Canada) and Kevin Lin (Taiwan) - undertook a quest that no human being has ever fulfilled. They ran across the Sahara Desert.
Each runner brought his own unique story and motivations, but all united around a love for Africa and a profound desire to prove that the impossible is possible. The film is an up-close, character-driven documentary that delves deep into the culture of the Sahara through the eyes of 3 individuals undergoing a life-altering experience.
Through the eyes of the runners, we come to understand the realities of Africa - the beauty and the tragedy inherent in everyday life. This reality is underscored by the recurring theme of water - a daily necessity for our runners and a daily struggle for many of the people they encounter. The cast encountered many locals who spend two and half hours per day, every day, finding and cleaning their water for that day.
Sprawling over 3.5 million square miles, the Sahara is a mystical land, enchanting for its extreme beauty and its complex culture. At the same time, it may well be the most unforgiving place on earth - the daytime heat and the freezing temperatures at night can suck the life from a body in an instant. The team accomplished running for 111 days and over 4,800 miles.
Entry to the screening is free. Please contact the venue at 98490-26029 for further details.