Watch as the world twists and turns right in front of your eyes. It's Retro Night every Thursday at The Sixth Element. Dance your heart out to the oldest in foot-tapping music, as DJ Neil at the console spins some hit retro tracks from the world of music.
Neil has more than five years in juggling music. He has played with some top disk jockeys like Suketu, Monica, Vachan, NYK, Bandish Projekt, Amrita Thapar, VJ Nidhi Makhan, Jeeth and Rohit Barker. His repertoire includes rock 'n' roll, hip-hop, progressive, electro and trance, with a little desi mixed in.
The entry is for couples only and cover charges are applicable. Please contact 6666-4488/98855-52513/98858-11166 for further details.