People want to make right choices - in their food intake, life style, fuel used, clothes they wear. Articles, advertisements, bill boards, and catalogues are also catering to this growing demand to make "green" products and services accessible and available (not always that affordable to all). However, the question is: are all what is touted as 'green' truly green? That is, are they truly sustainable or are there actually shades of green for us to consider?
Based on the premise that there are three basic tenets of sustainability, which are environment friendly, socially just, and culturally sensitive - apart from being financially conducive - we propose an interactive session with the audience. The purpose is not to preach, teach, or even inform - but collectively pause and ponder upon these issues. Interestingly, we might see our options not just as green/not-green but also shades of green which may constantly change! As we get more tuned into the nuances of green - choices may be clear, for us as an individual, as family/unit, and as a larger collective.
After all anything green and sustainable is a celebration of diversity. We therefore hope to nurture this interactive session with diverse means of communication - including enthused chat.
The facilitator Dr. Nina Sengupta is an Ecologist and Independent Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainable Development Consultant and has a Phd in Wildlife science/Ecology, and is very widely read and articulate. Her talk at Sacred Space - Linking Energy & Ecology on Aug 25th 2013 was very well received. She has travelled and worked in forests in Africa, Asia, America, Andaman and Nicobar islands, in remote parts of Tanzania, Camaroon Islands.