The first edition of The Hindu Music Festival in Hyderabad will be held from 10th to 14th November, at the Ravindra Bharathi auditorium. The 4-day festival will be a treat for lovers of fusion and filmi music, ghazals and spiritual music.
Tina Sani from Pakistan will be singing some ghazals, on the 3rd and penultimate day, the 13th of November. She will be supported by Abid Hussain on the tabla, Akhtar Hussain on the sarangi, Aslam on the dholak, and Iqbal Hussain and Wazir Sultan on the harmonium.
Tina Sani lives in a land of ghazal singers such as Mehdi Hasan, Ghulam Ali and Farida Khanum. She made her debut on Pakistan Television in 1980. She learnt classical music from Ustad Nizamuddin Khan Sahib, son of Ustad Ramzan Khan of the Delhi Gharana, and then from Ustad Amrohvi, but music was never really her career plan.
She gained acclaim in Pakistan by singing the poetry of Faiz Ahmed Faiz including ghazals such as Bahar Ayee and Bol Key Lab Hai Azad composed by Arshad Mehmood.
Tickets are priced at Rs. 1,000, Rs. 750, Rs. 500 & Rs. 250 per head. Season passes are available for Rs. 3,500, Rs. 2,500 and Rs. 1,500 per head.
Passes can be purchased online at www.hindu.com/novemberfest and www.indianstage.in. They are also available at Landmark in Banjara Hills and Begumpet; Walden at Begumpet, Music World in Banjara Hills, Begumpet, Kothapet and Kukatpally; Sangeeth Sagar in Secunderabad and at Ravindra Bharathi.