Pottery is an ancient art that fascinates many people today, and this is not entirely due to that scene in the movie Ghost either. We're just taken with the idea of coaxing a lump of clay into something lovely. And useful - a vase too tall for flowers, a coffee mug that cannot manage upright by itself, or even a misshapen ashtray. Hey, it's art - you're just expressing yourself. Besides it's a great reason (because sensible adults need reasons, the poor things) to squish about in mud.
One such opportunity is being provided by Saptaparini, a recent addition to the city's art resources, which is conducting a two-hour pottery workshop. Shankarayya, a veteran with the wheel, will conduct the class. And yes, clay will be on the house.
Saptaparini has been set up to get children interested in art and encourage budding talent. Saptaparini, a plant mentioned in ancient Hindu texts, is said to have medicinal values and bring good luck. At Tagore's Shantiniketan, every student is said to be given a sprig of this plant when he/she leaves school. Saptaparini plans to host other workshops of this kind every week. And not all strictly for children either.
Please contact Saptaparini at 5566-7707 for further details.