Salar Jung Museum with the Historical Society of Hyderabad invite you to a talk on the historical Komagata Maru incident of 1914 by Anuradha Reddy.
Komagata Maru incident involved a Japanese steamship, Komagata Maru, that sailed from Hong Kong, Shanghai, China to Yokohama, Japan and then to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 1914, carrying 376 passengers from Punjab, British India. Of them 24 were admitted to Canada, but the 352 other passengers were not allowed to land in Canada, and the ship was forced to return to India. The passengers consisted of 340 Sikhs, 24 Muslims, and 12 Hindus, all British subjects. This was one of several incidents in the history of early 20th century involving exclusion laws in both Canada and the United States designed to keep out immigrants of only Asian origin.
This talk is dedicated to the memory of the late Prof. M Radhakrishna Sarma (Dept. of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology, Osmania University)
Venue: Lecture Hall, Eastern Block, Salar Jung Museum.