Manju Qamar was a famous Urdu writer who compiled books on Urdu Dramas. His son, Dr. Mumtaz Mehdi has collected his prefaces titled ?Mukhaddamath-e-Maju Qamar?. This book will be released at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday 17th May at Urdu Hall Himayath Nagar, Hyderabad by Padmashree Dr. Jilani Banu. Dr. Anwar Moazzam, Former Head of the Dept. of Islamic Studies, OU will preside over the function. Prof. Ashraf Rafi, Dr. Mustafa Kamal, Dr. Habeeb Nisar and Mr. Mohammed Mustaq Ahmed will address the gathering. Mr. Mohammed Abdur Raheem Khan, Secretary of Anjuman-e-Taraqui-e-Urdu will present welcome address. Dr. Javeed Kamal, Retired Asst. Professor of Urdu, Govt. Degree College, Husaini Alam and the convener of the function has requested all the Urdu lovers to attend the function.