The 19th Qadir Ali Baig Theatre Festival will bring a vibrant mix of Indian and international theater to Hyderabad's Taramati Baradari Cultural Complex from November 6-10. Curated by Mohammad Ali Baig, the festival celebrates his father's legacy with performances by renowned artists like Ila Arun, Nadira Babbar, Ashish Vidyarthi, and UK's Alexander Wright. Highlights include Miracle on Matunga Street with Arun and KK Raina, Vidyarthi's stand-up act, and Babbar's Kashmiri drama Farida. A tribute concert, An Ode to Motherhood, by Zila Khan and Baig, commemorates co-founder Begum Razia Baig's passing. Please contact 040-2345-0165 for further details. Note: The above text has been sourced from the event's organisers.