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Mega Shopping Food Festival at Ramoji Film City

Mega Shopping Food Festival at Ramoji Film City is an event that took place between 16-Oct-2004 and 20-Oct-2004 in Hyderabad.
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Spread over some 2,000 acres, this is a real cozy place to have one of them shopping festival things. And we, in all our understanding of the English language, shall call it the Mega Shopping Festival.

With some 250 stalls littered all over the place, we shall be assaulted by crafts, clothes, ornaments, jewellery, furniture and a bit of leather. Rather lethal when you think of the sheer consumer lifestyle products being hurled your way. You can do the hurling too if you are willing to shell out some 20,000 bucks for one of those stalls.
There's a lot in way of live entertainment too, with some of the well known acts putting up some appearances. Their order of appearance and names is as follows :

" Usha Uthap on the 16th
" Bomabay Vikings and Nitin Balli on the 17th
" Anaida and Sophiya on the 18th
" Smita and Chitra Iyer on the 19th
" Shivamani and Louis Banks on the 20th

For all those booking their tickets before the 15th of this month, Ramoji Film City will be providing free transport. Those who don't, wont get any.
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