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Maths Quiz Compeition For Students By Dr. K V Rao Scientific Society

Maths Quiz Compeition For Students By Dr. K V Rao Scientific Society is an event that took place on 17-Dec-2012 in Hyderabad.
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Dr. K V Rao Scientific Society commemorates the 125th birth anniversary of mathematics legend Dr. Srinivasa Ramanujan.

As its contribution to the celebrations, the society is happy to announce an exclusive mathematics quiz competition for school students of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, to be held on 17 December at 10am, at Bhaskara Auditorium, B M Bilrla Science Centre, Adarsh Nagar.

The government of India has declared this year as the National Mathematics Year, and 22 December of every year henceforth will be celebrated as National Mathematics Day.

There is no registration fee for the quiz.

All the school students of classes 7 to 12 from registered schools of Hyderabad, Secunderabad and adjoining cities are invited to apply for the mathematics quiz.

The criteria for eligibility are as follows:

- Applicants should be studying in class 7 or above.
- A team should consist of two members only.
- A maximum of two teams shall represent one school.
- The quiz master's decision shall be final and binding for the quiz.

The criteria for selection are as follows:

- The preliminary round will consist of an interactive written test for all the participating teams.
- Top six teams from the preliminary round will be selected for the final round of the quiz.
- The final round will have categories like oral, audio, video and rapid-fire amongst others.
- Top three teams will be selected for prizes.

Completed application forms are to be submitted by e-mail at drkvraoss.quiz@gmail.com, or delivered by hand or courier to the contact address of the society. Duly signed forms must be submitted at the venue by the students applying through e-mail.

Please contact: 99594-44933 / 98499-90794 or visit: www.kvrss.com for further details.
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