Madhapur Toastmasters is organising its 5th meet on 24th June, at the National Institute Of Fashion Technology (NIFT) campus, Madhapur. The meet starts at 11am and will last till 1:30pm, and the details are as below:
Theme Of The Day: Facebook Moments
Lead Team
Sergeant-At-Arms: TM Kshitij
Presiding Officer: TM Anoop Ramanathan
Toastmaster Of The Day: TM Ravi Mittal
General Evaluator: TM Mubeen
Wordmaster & Grammarian: TM Anil Bhaskar
Ah Counter: TM Vikas Shetty
Timer: TM Lakshmi
Table Topics Master: TM Sita
Vote Counter: TM Anil
Speaker 1: TM Rachna
Speaker 2: TM Sugandh
Speaker 3: TM Sujani
Evaluation Team
Speech Evaluator 1: TM Anoop Ramanathan
Speech Evaluator 2: TM Philip
Speech Evaluator 3: TM Fazal
A guest fee of Rs. 30 will be collected from non-Toastmasters.
Toastmasters International is a non-profit organization having over 1,25,000 members in about 12,000 clubs in 103 countries. It is aimed at improving one's public speaking skills, communication skills, thinking and analytical skills and leadership skills as well, through a system of self-learning and team work.
Madhapur Toastmasters is a community club affiliated to Toastmasters International, and was started in May 2010. It is and based at Hyderabad, and meets on every 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month at NIFT Campus, Madhapur.
Please contact Ravi Mittal at 93930-91611 for further details.