Landmark is launching the debut novel of Geeta Ravi "Love, My Friend, Is Not Easy" on 21st January at the bookstore on road no. 12, Banjara Hills. The book has been published by Indialog Publications, and the chief guest for the evening will be renowned film director, Shekhar Kammula.
Set in the backdrop of the I T industry in the 90s, "Love, My Friend, Is Not Easy" is the story of 3 Indians living in a metro whose lives take a dramatic turn when they discover love. Narrated in the first person, it is a story woven through the dialogues the characters have with the readers. The story was first blogged over several weeks, and the interest, enthusiasm and comments from readers helped in shaping the short final work.
An Alumni of VNIT, Nagpur, and School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi, Geeta Ravi is currently the VP-IT with an engineering company in Hyderabad. She had studied, worked and lived in the USA and Canada, before returning back to India.
Please contact 6463-1566 for further details.