Lamakaan is holding a five-day Night-School on the topic called "Introduction to Leftist Ideology".
Day 1:
About B S Raju:
Er B S Raju is an engineering consultant by profession. He is now consulting on energy conservation and alternative energy technologies. His other interest is 'Study of the history of peoples' struggles against Capital and the Peoples' alternatives to Capitalism'. He edits a bulletin called 'Sramika Nestham' in Telugu language. He wrote and published a book (in Telugu language) called 'Nitya Jeevithamlo Socialism' (Socialism in Daily Life) as part of a trilogy on 'Socialism: Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow'. He is also working on a project called SAP - Socialist Awareness Project.
B S Raju will speak on the 1st day of Lamakaan's night-school on 23rd June. He will give us an understanding of how and why Karl Marx and Engels came up with a pro-people alternative to capitalism, which is serving the interests of only the capitalists. He will explain what are the further contributions of Lenin and Stalin in Soviet Russia and Mao in China in implementing this alternative, namely socialism.