Creaking Projectors is screening a South Korean film "Joint Security Area" on 6th March at the La Makaan. Joint Security Area (JSA) is a 2000 South Korean film starring Lee Young Ae, Lee Byung-hun and Song Kang-ho. It was directed by Park Chan-wook and won the Best Film Award at the 2000 Blue Dragon Awards.
The film begins with 2 North Korean soldiers getting killed in the DMZ at a North Korean border house. Alarms sound on both sides, and North and South Korean soldiers are quickly deployed at the scene, resulting in an exchange of gunfire. Sgt. Lee Soo-hyeok, a South Korean soldier on border duties, runs from the North Korean side with a leg injury and attempts to reach the South Korean side. The southern troops rescue him while the gunfire continues.
2 days later, the fragile relationship between the 2 Koreas now relies on a special investigation conducted by Swedish and Swiss investigators from the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission to ensure that this incident does not erupt into a serious conflict. The mission is led by Swiss Army Major Sophie E Jang. Her mother is Swiss and her father is Korean.
The autopsy report shows that one soldier was shot first in the chest and then in the head, while the other, Jeong Woo-jin, was shot 8 times repeatedly, more indicative of a grudge than an attempt at escape. The events that led to the killing of the 2 North Korean soldiers are then shown throughout the film in a series of flashbacks.
Entry is by tickets of Rs. 100 per head. Please contact 98668-89042 for further details.