Women's officers group 1 presents International women's day (Safety & security of women make it Happen)
Event Highllights:
- Cycle -10 km
- Run-5km
- Walk-3km
"Women Officer's of Group-1 (WOG-1) in association with Commercial Taxes Department, Hyderabad City Police, Hyderabad Metro Rail and other partners is conducting on this International Women's Day i.e., on Sunday, 8th of March, 2015 a Cycle/Run/Walk event at People's Plaza, Necklace Road, Hyderabad
The theme for the event is 'Safety & Security of Women - Make it Happen!!'
Chief Guest is Smt Kavitha Garu, MP
We all Know that in present times Safety & Security is one of the most crucial issues a women/girl is facing, be it at her workplace, her college, or her neighborhood. The Government is already doing its best to secure women safety in the form of She Teams, Hawk Eye, etc. It is now our duty to join together and speak to the world that we can make our safety & security happen. Let us Make It Happen!! Let us all join together - either Run/Walk/Cycle to show that we are all together in this cause.