The Centre For The Study Of Indian Diaspora, from the University of Hyderabad, and the Department of Cultural Anthropology from the Utrecht University (The Netherlands), are hosting an international seminar on "Indian Transnationalism Online", on 26-27 March 2012, at the Centre For The Study Of Indian Diaspora.
20-minute papers and presentations will be presented on the following topics:
1. The "I" in digital (online identity and globalized subjectivities)
2. The strength of wireless ties (debating the instrumental Internet)
3. World Wide India (representing and (re)negotiating the nation-state)
Workshops will also be held during the conference. The focus of these sessions will be the particular methodological challenges of web-based research.
Key issues concerning online ethnography that will be contemplated include online research sites and strategies, online research relationships, and online presence.
Please contact Dr. Ajaya K Sahoo at ajayacsid[at]yahoo[dot]com or Dr. Hans de Kruijf at j.g.dekruijf[at]uu[dot]nl for further details.