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Iconocalligraphy Exhibition By P Parameshwar Raju

Iconocalligraphy Exhibition By P Parameshwar Raju is an event that took place between 16-Jun-2006 and 30-Jun-2006 in Hyderabad.
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  • Venue
    Le Café D' Art (2.8 km)
    In Fusion 9 Building, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad • Telephone: 6550-6661
  • Date/Time
    16-Jun-06 to 30-Jun-06
    12:00pm to 11:00pm
  • Type
  • Price
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Ever heard of iconocalligraphy? Poosapati Parameshwar Raju introduces you to this enigmatic field of artistic expression. Historical iconic symbols and the art of calligraphy come together in Parameshwar's endeavour, at the exhibition, at Le Cafe d'art.

The artist's exploration of the Devanagri script and his study of Hindu iconography and Tibetan symbols gave birth to iconocalligraphy. Parameshwar received training in drawing from Shri A K Rama Varma and later imbibed the art of calligraphy from Shri S V Pendse of Aurangabad (Deccan).

The exhibition consists of 50 works pertaining to iconocalligraphy. In his work, Parameshwar communicates the idea of growth, through the language of form, radiance, movement, rhythm and balance.

Please contact P Parameshwar Raju at 98486-22820 for further details.
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