Hyderabad's 3-piece powerhouse Gnarl will be performing live at the Hard Rock Cafe, on 22nd July, as part of Thursday's weekly gig. The members of this band are Tamar Chatterjee with the vocals, Vikram Aditya on the bass and Taj on the drums.
With high vocal ranges replete with throat thrashing, subtle melodies, heavy bass lines and double-bass drum sequences that constitute their sound, Gnarl got their first self-titled album released by Sony BMG (India), on 15th September 2005.
Gnarl visits charity homes and orphanages in and around Hyderabad, including The Forum Of Street Children, Missionaries Of Charity, All God's Children, Krushi Child Shelter Home, and Rev. Emmanuel Damara's Child Shelter Home. Part of the royalties from their first album "Gnarl" have gone to these charity organisations.
Please contact the venue at 6660-4242 for further details.