Alliance Francaise Hyderabad is screening short films for kids, on Saturday, 14th December. There will be two sessions of screening - one at 11am and one at 3pm. The event is open to everyone. The following films will be shown:
1. Les Crayons (3 minutes) by Didier Barcelo: The story is about a pretty young girl who writes to a young boy whom she loves, with crayons. The crayons also seem to have emotions.
2. Le Manie-Tout (16 minutes) by Georges le Piouffle: This film won 2 awards. The plot is about Martin, a 10-year-old boy, who must go to school through an unknown path. There he meets the mysterious Manie-Tout, who is capable of giving life to his schoolbag.
3. Poteline (4 minutes) by Chloe Miller: The story is about a princess who, bored of waiting, decides to take control of her situation.
4. Fond De Teint (10 minutes) by Marie-Louise Mendy: An African lady goes to school to pick her son, whose father is European. He looks at his mother in a strange way. She discovers after a while that he is puzzled about their different skin colour.
5. Marottes (14 minutes) by Beno?t Razy: This film won an award. In the story, C?line, 10, in the absence of her parents, lives with her two brothers. She keeps meeting Valentin, a young, unstable and, at times, violent boy. Their conditions are so different that a mix of curiosity and fear is created.
6. Imago (12 minutes) by C?dric Babouche: The movie won 3 awards at different festivals in France. Antoine, 8 years old, loses his father in a plane crash. Antoine finally accepts this loss through a dream.
7. Click Clak (6 minutes) by Thomas Wagner, V-E Moulin, Aurelie Frechinos: This is an animation film that won 2 awards at different festivals in France. The plot is about how 2 robots meet a young boy and enter into a strange dialogue.
8. Bouts en trai (4 minutes) by Emilie Singelin: The film won 2 awards in France, and 1 in Croatia. In the story, a train has a sudden breakdown, and passengers look at each other and start singing.
9. 00h17 (10 minutes) by Xavier de Choudens: The movie won 3 awards at different festivals in France, and is about a group of teenagers who are waiting at the station for the last train of the day.