FailFest is a fun, engaging & learning forum that aims to change the conversations around Failure.
Failure is considered undesirable, unacceptable. an outright defeat and a complete disaster. However, Failure by all means, is truly ?inevitable?. It is a quintessential part of life and we get to see it time and again. Like the classic dichotomies of life: Day-Night, Good-Bad, Black-White, Failure forms a pair with Success. However, one can?t succeed every single time. We are bound to screw up on some occasions. But at the end it?s these failures that help us learn. These mistakes enable us to think, be creative and do the innovative.
FailFest is a manifestation of this whole idea around changing the conversations around Failure. The first FailFest was held on May 3, 2013 at Lamakaan. We invited people from all walks of life, from book authors and actors to techies and entrepreneurs. Anybody, who wanted to share their major learnings with a compelling storyline was welcome.The speakers spoke about their challenging journeys where they faced failure, in some form or the other at every step and shared their biggest learnings from those thrilling experiences.