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Dominic Wesley - English Play By Samahaara

Dominic Wesley - English Play By Samahaara is an event that took place on 26-Feb-2011 in Hyderabad.
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Samahaara is presenting an English play "Dominic Wesley" on 26th February at La Makaan. The play is written by Anjali Parvati Koda and directed by Stuart Denison.

Dominic Wesley starts with Dominic and Wesley asking two separate questions - one about dreams and the other about reality. It explores the two sides to a persona i.e. the creative and the intellect in a human being. What determines our choices, what shapes our priorities and how we end up being what we are - these are a few of the questions mapped through the two characters in the play.

Samahaara is a non-profit cultural society based in Hyderabad. For the last 6 years, it has been making efforts at taking theatre to the young minds of Hyderabad through plays, theatre workshops, technical support and directorial services. The members include young working professionals and students.

The play starts at 7:00pm and entry is by donor passes of Rs. 100 per head. Please contact 98662-74965 for further details.
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