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Civilizations 2010 - Civil Engineering Technical Festival At CBIT

Civilizations 2010 - Civil Engineering Technical Festival At CBIT is an event that took place between 22-Apr-2010 and 24-Apr-2010 in Hyderabad.
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The Civil Engineering Department of Chaitanya Bharathi Institute Of Technology (CBIT) is organising a 3-day technical festival from 22nd to 24th April, at its campus in Gandipet. The detailed list of the events is below:

Paper Presentation

The topics for the paper presentation contest are:

Structural Engineering
Disaster Resistant Structures
Implosion Of Structures
Retrofitting And Rehabilitation Of Structures
Non-destructive Testing Of Structures & Structural Health Monitoring

Transportation Engineering
Urban And Rural Highway Systems
Traffic Disaster And Management
Airport Planning And Control
Sustainable Railway Systems

Geo-Technical Engineering & Geology
Geotechnical & Geological Explorations
Seismic Micro Zonation & PSHA
Soil Dynamics And Soil Structure Interaction
Earthquakes, Landslides And Volcanoes

Environmental Engineering & Water Resources
Modeling Of Groundwater Systems
Environmental Impact Assessment Studies
Environmental Disasters
Measures For Ecological Balance

Miscellaneous Topics
Smart And Eco-friendly Materials
Applications Of Nano Technology In Civil Engineering
Applications Of Robotics In Civil Engineering
Monitoring And Warning Systems In Civil Engineering
GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing Applications In Civil Engineering

Model Mania
This event has two sub-events:

Bridge Construction
Participants are required to bridge a gap spanning 1.2m with a suitable bridge or flyover, for a width of carriage-way of 0.2m. The use of prefabricated units and the integration of these units in the shortest time possible, without suffering safety and stability, is a must.

Implosion Of Structure
Participants are required to come up with a framed structure 1m in height, in a base of any shape that can be enclosed in a circle.

Ultimate Techie
This event is a technical quiz.

Mad For CAD
This is an extempore event, and participants are expected to inculcate building bylaws, ventilation and lighting aspects in their AutoCAD layout.

Cube Testing
In this event, participants are requested to test 3 cubes of standard dimensions - 100mm x 100mm x 100mm.

Treasure Hunt
A written quiz on basic surveying, environmental engineering, and soil mechanics will be held to shortlist teams for stage 2. Shortlisted teams must hunt for the treasure by cracking the codes provided, using Theodolite and Autolevel.

Please contact P Bhargav at 94913-83390 for further details.
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