Born A Girl is a New media and Art installation exhibition addressing the Girl Child and the Feminine.
Curated by Avani Rao Gandra for 'Art for Change', an ICONART Gallery Initiative.
To be born a girl, violence begins in the womb - disparity begins before birth as increasing female feticide , as selective sex abortions .With growing lack of gender sensitivity towards women the repression continues in many forms ,of low tolerance in societal outlook and increasing violence - as more domestic work for the girl, low education priority, as child labour , early marriages to elderly males ,early pregnancies , forced sex trade , vulnerability to sexual diseases like HIV , rape - violence all the way has robed the girl child and the feminine their music , their song and their dance in life , the right to live and die in peace . These installations and new media art works by twelve artists address in symbolic , narrative , poetic forms, these aspects of female gender suppression in a variety of mediums and forms with references from history , addressing the political, societal . psychological , philosophical aspects of feminity - to express the joys of living as a woman . To claim rights of their dignity and magnificence, to nourish the nature of the feminine strength and beauty.