Ahala, the drama lounge of Taj Krishna, is celebrating the leap year party this Friday, and featuring in it is none other than the godfather of Bhangra, Bally Sagoo. He will be performing some Asian musical and Bollywood remixes, especially bhangra. Go all out and party the night this extra day that comes once in 4 years.
Born in New Delhi and raised in Birmingham, Bally Sagoo (Baljit Singh Sagoo) grew up listening to the music of his time - Hip-Hop, Reggae and Top 40. At the tender age of 10, Sagoo developed a taste for making music, and started producing tunes from his modest bedroom which is now the renowned Currywood Studios.
Constantly in demand, he receives requests from a plethora of Hollywood and Bollywood directors; he produced music for international hits like Bend It Like Beckham and Monsoon Wedding, and Bollywood films like Kartoos, Hera Pheri, Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. The future looks bright for him, with a possible biopic, a slick nightclub and a clothing label - people cannot seem to get enough of the Bally Sagoo name.
Entry is allowed for couples only and cover charges are applicable. Please contact the venue at 2339-2323/6666-2323 for further details.