Join us at Lamakaan for Amelie Rennt, a heartfelt German film with English subtitles. The story follows Amelie (Mia Kasalo), a spirited teenager frustrated by her asthma, who escapes from a recovery clinic in South Tyrol into the mountains. There, she meets Bart (Samuel Girardi), a determined teen with struggles of his own. Despite her initial resistance, Bart becomes her steadfast companion, and their bond grows as they navigate the challenges of the wilderness together. Their journey culminates in a powerful Midsummer ritual, symbolizing Amelie's emotional and physical healing. Directed by Tobias Wiemann, this acclaimed film beautifully explores resilience, friendship, and nature's transformative power. Don't miss this inspiring tale of courage and connection. Please contact 96427-31329 for further details. Note: The above text has been sourced from the event's organisers.