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Abstract Realism - Paintings By Magunta Dayakar

Abstract Realism - Paintings By Magunta Dayakar is an event that took place between 15-Nov-2010 and 15-Dec-2010 in Hyderabad.
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Senior artist Magunta Dayakar is organising "Abstract Realism", a painting exhibition of landscapes, figures and nudes, 15th November to 15th December, at Beyond Coffee, Road No. 36, Jubilee Hills.

From humble beginnings in Andhra Pradesh, Magunta Dayakar shot to fame as an acclaimed portrait painter. He is known nationally for his lightscape paintings. He is not only an artist, but also a writer and successful Telugu novelist. He has written 6 books on art and 35 novels. He has also scripted, acted in and directed 2 Telugu feature films.

He lives in Hyderabad and has been running a Creative Painting School for children and elders for the last 12 years.

Dayakar's paintings adore the walls of Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages pvt. Ltd. for their Gurgaon Corporate Office, the Doon School Old Boys Society, Jason Roof (American Consulate, Hyderabad) and several other collections in India and abroad.

His solo exhibitions were held at the Lakshana Art Gallery in 2005, Art Gallery of Light & Colour in 2010, and Beyond Coffee - Boutique Art Gallery in July 2010.

Please contact Magunta Dayakar at 98482-35034 for further details.
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