Celebrate the festive spirit with The Hyderabad Voices and The Cadence Voices as they present A Not So Silent Night. Co-founded by Ashrita D'Souza and Shakila Dausi, The Hyderabad Voices brings together people from diverse backgrounds, united by their love for singing. The Cadence Voices, a children's choir led by Ashrita, adds charm with their performances, often accompanied by instruments like the guitar and ukulele. Expect a unique blend of accompanied and acapella Christmas music. The evening features a special guest, Dr Ankna Arockiam, a versatile soloist visiting from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, promising an extraordinary musical treat. Join us for a magical celebration of song and festive cheer. Don't miss this memorable concert. Please contact 96427-31329 for further details. Note: The above text has been sourced from the event's organisers.